A 5-Day Challenge
Bold & Confident Prayer
Hosted by Cherlyn Decker
Learn how to pray with bold confidence!
Yes, I want to join the challengeBe equipped and empowered to pray powerful and effective prayers for yourself and others in 5 Days
(even if you've not seen answers to your prayers in the past).
After feeling like her prayers were bouncing off the ceiling, Cherlyn was frustrated.
She did not see answers.
"God, do you even hear me? Something needs to change. Show me what I need to do!"
He did.
And now Cherlyn shares her story
and the process behind using declarations and decrees to transform your prayers -
in a way that GETS RESULTS.

Here's the problem:
We were not taught how to pray, so we wing it.
This isn't just my experience; there were 16,000 internet searches on "how to pray" last month.
And one of the results said, "you learn to pray by praying."
Let's see how that is working for us.
We make it up as we go along.
We start by throwing in a few statements like, "God, you are so good."
Then, we mix in how we're thankful for this or that.
We tell him about the people on our list:
- God, be with Sally
- Save Bobby
- And heal Beth.
When people start acting all crazy, we ask God to change people.
- Oh Lord, please fix so and so.
- Change my husband and my kids!
- Move my obnoxious neighbor whose dog won't stop barking.
- Let my coworker see how they're wrong, and I'm right.
Oh, and when we need something, we bargain.
“God, if you will give me ______________, then I will give you _______________.”
God, if you give me a front parking spot, then... oh wait, I still ask Him for this one.
And when chaos comes, our prayers become an emotional roller coaster.
- God, why is this happening to me?
- God, when will this be over?
- God, make it stop.
- God, help me now!
But we soon realize this 'wing it' prayer doesn't work.
Nothing is changing.
Our problems are still there, and we don't have solutions.
Our life is still a wreck.
We're still feeling anxious, nervous, and alone.
We haven't seen the transformation in our hearts.
We don't feel the peace that passes all understanding.
We don't see our weaknesses turned into strengths.
There's still a lack.
We're barely getting by. Where are His abundance and provision?
And we certainly aren't 'overcomers' whatever those are.
Then we hear a woman pray with power and authority.
Her prayers shook heaven and scared hell.
She told the devil where to go (and we're intimidated).
There is something different about the way she prayed.
It got our attention.
And gave us goosebumps.
We felt the fire in her words.
We felt the shifting of the atmosphere in the room.
We listen, studying her words.
"God, your Word says you will never leave us nor forsake us; we stand on your promise that you are with Sally right now!"
"Lord, your Word says the harvest is plentiful, and the laborers are few. Therefore, we ask God that you send the laborers alongside Bobby. May he be drawn to know you, God."
"God your Word says, 'by His stripes, we are healed,' so we declare that healing for Beth in the name of Jesus."
We're drawn to it, and we want to learn to pray like that.
We want to be confident in how to pray.
We want our prayers to be bold.
And we desperately want our prayers to be answered.
Is any of this resonating?

If you're thinking,
"Cherlyn, How Do You Know?"
it's because I've been there too.
We all want our prayers answered!
And when my life was turned upside down it awoke a fighter in me.
When I began to DECLARE the promises of God's word my prayer life changed and so did my circumstances.
The only difference between you and me is I learned what works and more importantly, what doesn't.
My prayers went from wing-it to warrior.
The Good News Is...
bold and confident prayer is way more SIMPLE than we've tried to make it.
and I've taken what God showed me and turned my experience into a fun 5-day challenge for you to see how simple it is.
God showed me how to
What happened...

I saw God move.
I was praying, and I got his answers.
"Thank You, God!"
He showed me HOW to pray differently.
And when I did, I saw God move in me and my circumstances. All by taking HIS WORD - His promises - and using them as declarations and decrees.
Now I pray with bold confidence.
And you can too!
Note: This is not a challenge with done-for-you declarations.
(I have other resources for that already.)
No! Instead, I am covering the piece that activates, equips, and empowers YOU to pick up the Word of God and DECLARE.
The actual HOW to write declarations and decrees so that you can speak to your mountain.
Meet the Author and Coach behind this challenge
There are few coaches who have as much experience helping women transform their prayer life as Cherlyn.
She's not only taught thousands of women, but she's walked through it in her own life.
In her book Roar Back: Transforming Struggle Into Strength, Cherlyn shares how the Holy Spirit walked her through her circumstances (current and past). And in this challenge, Cherlyn dives deep to equip you on how to respond to your circumstances with powerful declarations and decrees.
Join the Challenge

Ready to pray with bold confidence?
Yes, I'm Ready!How it works:
For 5-Days you will gather together online LIVE in ZOOM* with Cherlyn and other aspiring bold warriors.
Dates: Enrollment is now closed, but join the waiting list below.
Where: Online in Zoom*
*Recordings will be posted in our private Facebook group.
Yes, put me on the waiting list!
What you'll learn in 5-DAYS:

Perfect for...
the Christian Woman who is tired of her prayers bouncing off the ceiling.
Whether you are Single, Married, or Divorced; whether you have kids or you don't, whether you are working, retired, or stay-at-home we all want our prayers answered. This challenge teaches you how to pray with bold confidence and will fill you with hope and expectancy that God will answer your prayers.
Yes, that's me!In this Challenge, you'll receive 5 Days of LIVE training so that you can be empowered & equipped to pray with Bold Confidence.
Yes, I Want to Join the LIVE EventFrequently Asked Questions
Are recordings available?
Will there be time for Q&A?
Will we see or interact with the other participants?
Is there any other purchase required?
Let this day be the last day you ever have any of those
"please don't call on me to pray"
freak out feelings EVER AGAIN.
Join the Challenge For $27 And Get the Bold Confidence You Were Created For.
In this Challenge, you'll receive 5 Days of LIVE training so that you can be empowered & equipped to pray with Bold Confidence.
Yes, I Want to Join the LIVE Event!Sign Up For the Challenge Today
Yes, you can pray with bold confidence!
And you're going to leave this 5-day challenge equipped with HOW to do it.
Yes, I want to sign up!